
Sleeping, Sabbath, and Email

Since exactly four months ago, when I started something unprecedended in my life, I usually sleep only for three hours on weekdays - I go to bed around midnight and wake up around three. I feel that I can't wait for the start of a new day. I don't feel tired or sleepy, at least during the daytime, and feel instead fully recharged every morning. But I sleep 9-12 and 3-6 hours on the night and day respectively of every Sabbath in the last four months.

I used to think that this is because of the so-called neshama yetera (in Hebrew) / neshome-yeseyre 'the additional soul (a Jew is said to possess on Sabbath)'. But this week I suddenly realized the true reason for this abnormal sleeping pattern. It has something to do with Sabbath but only indirectly - on weekdays I check email, but on Sabbath I don't.

This something unprecedented in my life makes me rely heavily on email as a means of communication, resulting in a huge increase in the number of private, often confidential, messages I send and receive every weekday - about 10-50! At least one message composed and sent while I'm sleeping at night is waiting for me in my email inbox every weekday morning, and I simply can't wait to read it! It fills me with positive energy every day anew. Since I don't check email on Sabbath, I don't have this unconscious urge to wake up as early as possible for this daily infusion of positive energy.

Of course, such an abnormal sleeping pattern can't continue for ever. But it can't come to an end until this something unprecedented in my life also comes to an end. In this and other respects I'm very happy to see that I can already see its end in the horizon though I may have another, good, reason that has nothing to do with email for another type of abnormal sleeping pattern then even on Sabbath.