
Toward a Meaningful Marriage

I'm so excited that I find myself starting to teach a course on a meaningful marriage in this new place! I'm almost crying tears of excitement, remembering how I had to rebuild my life after experiencing divorce about six years ago. I've come a long way. This was the so-called descent for the sake of ascent.

When I descended and experienced the so-called "dark night of the soul". In retrospect, I understand that this life challenge prepared me for encountering and absorbing Chabad Chassidus and its profound teachings in that it broke my heart and made me humble.

One of these profound teachings I studied both formally and by myself concerns marriage, and a meaningful one at that. When I first encountered it after my divorce, I said to myself, "I wish I had encountered it before marriage."

So I have good reason to get excited now that I've started teaching a course on a meaningful marriage for local doctors through the intermediary of one local marriage agency whose three founding members are very satisfied ex-clients of my Jewish coaching.

In spite of my initial fear that my potential students may show some resistance to the fact that this teaching in general and this specific course of mine in particular are Jewish and scare them away, the first students reacted very positively, some even enthusiastically. This has made me realize that truth is universal regardless of its origin.

Teaching this course is also an excellent opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge and understanding of a meaningful marriage as a preparation for my possible marriage sometime somewhere.

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