
Powerful Mental Workout for a Positive Change

Since our winter vacation started two weeks ago, I've been working on myself, or to be more precise, my mental, emotional, and physical improvement for my spiritual growth, more consciously and intensively. I've added one new mental workout to my daily mental and physical workouts. I've discovered later that it's also practiced in Judaism.

Having been inspired by my two new Hasidic friends, I've also started augmenting this new workout with one visual, one auditory, and one physical actions. The result has been immediate and powerful.

On the first day when I started doing this visually, auditorily, and physically augmented new mental workout before my daily running in the morning I bumped into a neighbor of mine who had remembered me in deep depression. When he saw me starting to run, he seemed to be shocked. When he immediately said to me, "What has happened to you?! You are shining with happiness!", I understood that this workout has had such a powerful impact upon me in such a short period of time. I also feel my positive change is not only mental but also emotional and even physical.

I have three more weeks to keep working on myself without meeting many of those I have to meet regularly. If you see me after this winter vacation ends in three weeks (or even before that) and also notice a positive change in me, you are welcome to ask me what powerful workout I've started doing. It costs no money and requires no equipment. I'm be glad to share it with you personally though I still hesitate to share it publicly. :-)