
Soul, Body, and Life

Rabbi DovBer Pinson, who is a renowned Chabad rabbi and prolific writer, explains the relationship between the soul, the body, and life so beautifully: the soul is the author, the body is the book, and life is the story. Some time ago I myself came to the same realization as this metaphor. Since then I've gradually been liberated from my mind-made prison. But ironically, I've come to encounter more and more lack of understanding by those I dare to share this realization of mine with.

Many of them seem to understand at least conceptually that they are not "their" body, but when it comes to actual behaviors, most of them seem to speak and behave as if they were "their" body, and they seem to project the same illusion to other people.

I haven't met more than ten people in my entire life who are not only trapped in the confusion of the "story" with the "author" but also behave accordingly toward both themselves and others. This "story" of life is actually a large collection of substories, including birth, death and everything in between that our soul experiences through the "book".

Here again I feel how powerless language is in conveying something non-conceptual that resists verbalization. So if you don't understand what I tried to explain conceptually, please don't blame yourself. Hopefully, you'll soon be able to understand non-conceptually through your direct experience what I mean and appreciate the above metaphor.