I've suddenly realized that the majority of people, including myself, seem to be living as if we would live forever, judging from how we treat each moment and waste our time, without realizing that the time we lose is lost forever.
Having learned from a number of teachings the importance of living the present moment, I've been trying to do so, but as you can easily imagine, I haven't always been successful though I've made a significant progress in comparison with my "prehistoric" days when I was deeply trapped in the egoic illusions of the past and the future.
I remember reading a highly inspirational book entitled A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last by Stephen Levine. I also remember reading afterwards a similar book entitled One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life by Kerry Shook & Chris Shook.
Though the time spans these two books propose for their respective experiments are different, the principle is the same. By narrowing the imaginary remaining time in our life, we can understand the importance of the present moment as a direct experience and not conceptually.
We can narrow the time span even further and start living as if each moment were the last one in life. I've decided to start living this way and see how this practice will help me live fully the present moment.