
Declining Relevance of One Subplayer in Geopolitics

One intellectual who predicted the decline of the Soviet Union recently published a book on the decline of one player in geopolitics. This player consists of one supraplayer and a number of subplayers as its vassals.

In the past few weeks we witnessed one tectonic shift in geopolitics - this supraplayer decided to abandon its most important subplayer, which in turn consists of a number of subsubplayers.

The orchestrated reaction of the selected and unselected "leaders" of this declining subplayer was so delusional that I started to feel sorry for the ordinary citizens ruled by such incompetent "elite". Their rule is based on lies and oppression of dissidents who dare to oppose their official narratives.

I can't say yet that this subplayer has completely become irrelevant in geopolitics. But after witnessing this tectonic shift I realized that its relevance has significantly (and probably irreversibly) been diminished. One journalist I admire characterized the present sick state of this subplayer, or to be more precise, its "leaders" as IPS (irrelevance projection syndrome) and PCDS (post colonial delusion syndrome).

One thing I don't understand is how ordinary citizens have allowed these "leaders" to continue ruling them. I don't know if this is thanks to the censorship and resulting collective brainwashing by mainstream media outlets there. I'm even scared to visit many of the subsubplayers that constitute this subplayer.

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