
New Life Vision

I've been asked to carry out a certain special assignment - to create my (new) life vision in a certain course I've been participating in since the beginning of December. It consists of the following four component: calling (for what purpose I was born into this work), missions (how I'll accomplish my calling), values (on what I'll base my visioned future), and tasks (what specific things I'll perform to realize my visioned future). After working for hours, I've come up with the following new life vision for myself:


  • I came to this world so that my soul will grow in a physical body through experiencing and conquering adversities.


  • To improve my character traits
  • To help others help themselves grow spiritually


  • Enthusiasm
  • Trust
  • Gratitude
  • Tolerance
  • Lovingkindness
  • Compassion


  • To stop telling myself lies and cheating myself
  • To accept myself as I am
  • To learn to pray with intention
  • To continue to practice mindfulness meditation but more seriously
  • To continue to run but more seriously
  • To continue to swim but more seriously
  • To continue to practice yoga but more seriously
  • To get rid of negative emotions
  • To get rid of obsessive thoughts
  • To get rid of compulsive behaviors
  • To rejoice in my portion
  • To restore enthusiasm to my life
  • To restore self-confidence to my life
  • To return to volunteer work in the community
  • To leave a certain world that has stopped serving my new life purpose for another that will help me realize my new visioned future

In the rest of this course we'll choose what seems to us to be the most important task of all for realizing our respective visioned future.