
From Personal Transformations to the Transformation of Non-Virtual Social Networks

I could perfectly foresee, so wasn't surprised that as a result of my recent personal transformations in my married and professional lives many of the people whose "love" for me depended on some benefit they could derive from me had disappeared from my life as if they had never existed for me. I'm not sorry for this as I for one don't find any common language with them after I've left their world, which now seems totally foreign to me.

But I'm surprised and perplexed that I had to sever my relationship with some of my oldest friends, both Jewish and non-Jewish, after they started criticizing the bold steps I had decided to take privately and professionally, and tried to force their philosophy of life and opinions upon me, showing little or no understanding and tolerance for mine.

I'm more and more inclided to think that this is no conincidence, especially considering the fact that they have some common characteristics such as their blind faith in their rational mind and their non-rational blind meta-belief that they have no blind faith.

My impression is that my newly awakened self triggered by my personal transformations threatens them, or to be more precise, their egoic - not to be confused with egoistic - self in a way I can't explain and they themselves seem to be unaware of ratinally in spite of their "omniscient" rational mind.

But what these personal transformations of mine have caused me are not only losses of people I had been in touch with but also new friends and acquaintances who have more or less the same "frequency" I have now instead of the old, different one. I've also started to make a conscious effort to invest in what I consider one of the most important social networks - non-virtual social network of other members of the same community where I live as well as neighbors.