They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Such teachers can be not only human beings but also life experiences, and suffering often seems to be the best teacher though it depends on each of us and our respective level of consciousness whether we can learn from this teacher. It also happens that suffering itself makes us ready as students so that we may be able to learn and benefit from it maximally.
Such "divine storm" I started to experience about one year ago has totally transformed me internally, inspiring me to make two external transformations affecting me internally in turn.
One of such secondary internal transformations is my newly kindled interest in my spiritual growth through formal education. The new teachers who have appeared for me are Torat Hanefesh School of Jewish Psychology and Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening, where I enrollled last month. In the former I started learning Jewish psychology based on the esoteric teachings of hasidism, or to be more precise, those of Chabad, especially of the Book of Tanya, this week in its Jerusalem campus, focusing on the anatomy of the soul and the rectification of the ego. In the latter I'll start learning, partly directly from Eckhart Tolle himself, from January.
I've also been receiving spiritual life coaching online in parallel to discover (or reconfirm in my specific case) my ultimate life purpose and align my professional life with it. This has been very benefitial, especially thanks to a number of difficult, thought-provoking questions by the coach. As the coaching progresses, the more convinced I feel of the fateful decidion I've made to transform my professional life in a most fundamental manner that seems to scare many of my colleagues. The strongest feeling I've been experiencing after jumping into water by conquering this fear is serenity. Actually what scares me most is not the fear of failure but the biggest risk I might pose to myself by not taking any risk.