
"Honorary Doctorate" for Absent-Mindedness

Perhaps I'm already entitled to receive an "honorary doctorate" for my absent-mindedness.

My joy of finally receiving the second dose of coronavirus vaccine yesterday didn't last too long as I realized soon that I had lost on my way there the following two important personal belongings: my credit card (for the third time) and my Israeli ID card (for the first time). I already have a "glorious" past record of losing the following: my credit card (twice) abroad and the key of my apartment (three times).

Yesterday I was left penniless after the second vaccination and realized that the bank wouldn't reopen until Sunday morning. I discovered soon for the first time the way to withdraw cash from an ATM with a smartphone without using a credit card or bothering a bank teller. I wonder if such a service is available in other countries.

This has enabled me to withdraw enough cash to buy foods for Sabbath. But I'll have to do without a credit card until it's reissued in seven business days, that is, in about ten days. I don't know if I'll be able to have my ID card reissued soon because of the present special situation.

The common denominator for all these unpleasant and inconvenient incidents is my absent-mindedness - I was so preoccupied each time with some immediate worry about being late for something important, etc. that I was too mindless to notice that my waist bag was wide open and something fell out of it. Every time this happened, I upgraded my waist bag, but apparently this hasn't helped me a lot. I need to upgrade my mind as a more fundamental solution to this problem thought I still don't know how.