
Justice and Integrity

When I was still deeply trapped in my mind-made prison, I used to get angry very easily, until it destroyed something that was very precious to me back then. Paradoxically, it's this very anger that has made me stop getting angry since then. The destruction brought about by my anger was so devastating that it has even destroyed the very source that produced the anger itself.

These days I seldom get angry. But there is one thing toward which I still feel fierce anger, and mounting one at that. This one thing is social injustice, especially in international relationships. Even the word "anger" may be an understatament.

I can't stop feeling disgusted with the grave injustice committed by the "Empire of Lies" and its vassals in the rest of the world. I'm discovering, mainly thanks to X, where I follow consciencious and courageous individuals, that this injustice isn't new but has been going on for decades and even centuries. But thanks to X and other alternative media outlets, this injustice is being exposed, probably for the first time to the detriment of this "Emipire of Lies" and their vassals.

I'm no less appalled by their lack of integrity, or their hypocrisy and double standards. The "rules" they have been imposing upon others don't apply to them, and they have been continuing to commit the very crimes that often fabricate and falsely accuse their "enemies" for.

This has made me realize that justice and integrity are among the most important values for me. Fortunately, I have enough reason to be optimistic. For the first time in centuries, we are witnessing the decline of this unjust unipolar world order and the emergence of a more just multipolar world order driven by a couple of (re)emerging powers that are demonized by this "Emipire of Lies" and their vassals through their worldwide network of propaganda, which may be the last remaining "legacy" of theirs. Enough is enough.

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