
"Antediluvian" Colleagues and Friends

It's about two and a half years since one life-changing "deluge" attacked me, washing (away) many things I had taken for granted until then. Now I feel I can already analyse this "deluge" more objectively without being too emotional.

One of these things that have been affected most in addition to my own inner transformation is my relationship with my "antediluvian" colleagues and friends, especially those who didn't know what had happened to me.

My relationship with many of them has evaporated naturally for lack of common "language" with them. I also had to initiate to put an end to my relationship with some others who now seemed to me worshippers of mental idols such as some linguistic ideologies.

I reopened my Facebook account a little less than one year after this "deluge", hoping to get reconnected online with those "antediluvian" colleagues and friends I hoped I still share the same "language" with and get acquainted with new like-minded people. Unfortunately, Facebook has become a constant source of frustration for me as I find many posts by the former very shallow, and often egoic as well. What interests them doesn't interest me, and the opposite also seems to be the case.

My urgent task now is to be less judgmental and more compassionate though I don't know exactly how.