
Excerpts of a Long Message from "Loving Guides"

The following are excerpts of a long message about my present transmutation I received last week from my "loving guides":

"What you are hearing from your inner voice speaks only in two languages; that of fear or that of excitement (translated as love of self/Love) and you can be certain that the voice of excitement is your call. It may not always be the exact picture you have painted for yourself but nevertheless it is for you to understand that it is your emotions which are the energies of your divine voice speaking to you through and onto the physical body you wear. Fear blocks that voice and listens to the 3D world of what it is you 'should' do, should be and should pursue."

"You have listened to your excitement when you left behind something that did not fill your heart's calling and still hold no regrets as your job was quite valuable for you within a world that you no longer desire to struggle within. We say to you that never have you made a mistake in this lifetime for that is a 3D/fearful concept; you simply were asleep to who you are and what your life was about, meaning that almost all of your life you had no idea that there was so much more to your story than living a life of survival and struggle and most of the time you didn't even know you were living such a life; it was just the way it was supposed to be."

"Life was a series of events that the world and society told you was your 'correct' journey in this lifetime. Academia called you because you held a thirst for knowledge but we say you really held a craving for understanding and since there was no real standard or manner of learning or teaching 'understanding', knowledge and teaching and advancement in education was the path you chose. There was little excitement even in the knowledge you held and shared. But there is real excitement in your preferred plan to go forth and assist others to their waking/awareness."

"You heightened the fear within your life over time to its place of turning as each step along the way led you to the point of surrender. Not to anything outside yourself but the power that resides within that has only/always and still awaited/awaits your recognition."

"Your job in this lifetime is to hold a vibration within your body in activation to the vibration of love upon the planet. How do you do that and what does it feel like. You 'do that' by releasing through conscious recognition a history that no longer serves you; a history of fear that feels/felt like sadness and pain, shame and misunderstandings, unworthiness and all those emotions that are of a lower vibrational field that kept you from the love of yourself. All basic fear emotions no longer need belong to you."

"The platform for this new 'you' that is on the horizon is PEACE. Regardless of your situation on any given day, your 'job' and only job henceforth is to bring your body to a place of peace. It is more important than anything else in your life. When something appears uncomfortable or upsetting or brings you to fear, you can shift your vibration very quickly by bringing back upon you the vibration of peace. Like a magician you can shift your energy/vibration."

"You have felt in your intuitiveness that you almost 'must' teach and yet it was not fulfilling because what you taught was not of great excitement. It did not touch hearts and souls as that is what you came to do. You came to stand firm and solid in your vibration of love and joy and peace and excitement and you know without a doubt what it is you desire to do and bring forth into this world. So henceforth you need only follow your heart, your excitement, your knowing, and things will fall into place for you."

"Your first job, your most important job is to heighten your vibration at all times; bring yourself into a place of peace and joy through 'whatever' manner you choose you will see that your outer world MUST match it."

"We are so thrilled for this moment to touch you with our love and move you with our vibrational words. Our love for you is immeasurable and we are with you ALWAYS!!"

"Our hope for you is to feel this love we are, to enjoy this life you live, to laugh heartily as laughter and humor is one of the highest vibrations a human can hold within their body. Take care, our beloved. Be in peace as that is where you will feel us."