
When All Else "Fails"

"When all else fails...", Sonia Choquette, a renowned spiritual teacher I also admire greatly, continues in her book entitled Trust Your Vibes, "Pray".

Personally, I don't like the word "failure" as I strongly believe that there is no failure in life in the deepest sense of the word. But I understand what she means as I'm in such a situation, which I can characterize by paraphrasing "when all else fails" as "when nothing seems to work".

She elaborates "When all else fails... Pray" as follows:

"Sometimes we need to pray for a miracle. These are situations when you see absolutely no way forward and appearances point to a dead end."

"To pray for a miracle, you must have absolutely no ego resistance or interference. In other words, create an inner state of mind that completely surrenders the problem over to the Universe to resolve on your behalf and be 100 percent receptive to Divine intervention to successfully bringing about the desired outcome."

"It is also important that you pray with the understanding that if what you ask for goes against Divine Will and your soul plan, those will take priority over your request. Therefore, when praying for a miracle, it's important to include in your prayer that even though this is what you desire, if God has a better plan, thy will be done."

Of course, I totally agree with her, and this must be in tune with all the spiritual traditions and teachings. This is also the time when your faith and confidence are tested in a most fundamental way. Here is what Sonia Choquette continues to say:

"Pray with confidence that your prayer will be heard and answered in ways you do not have to figure out. Trust that you will be shown the answer one way. Pray, then let it go. You don't have to endlessly pray, plead, or beg. Pray with certainty that you are loved and that the Universe will give you the miracle you need. Then you just need to step aside and surrender your will to the Divine Will and allow it."

I don't see any sign so far, so if no miracle happens, I'll lose what I've come to understand as the second most precious thing in my life after life itself, which I seem to have to accept wholeheartedly, believing that this is also for the better.