
Joy of Learning

Since I was a child, I've always loved learning, especially through reading books. Until I experienced spiritual transformation through turmoil at the end of 2017, I spent most of my time learning languages and linguistics though I tried my best to read on other subjects that had nothing to do with my work. But after this transformation I've gradually but surely lost my interest in languages and linguistics, except for Russian, which I continue to learn to improve my proficiency.

This transformation lead me to the fateful decision to leave academia, which left me with far less income but far more free time. In addition to the continued study of Russian I started learning Chabad Chassidus and nonduality. Since then I've been continuing and enjoying this study. Now I can clearly see that learning languages and linguistics was for intellectual joy, while learning Chabad Chassidus and nonduality is for spiritual joy (and learning Russian is for emotional joy).

About three years ago I discovered a new source of joy - geopolitics. This joy is not only intellectual but also even spiritual. I continue to spend a substantial amount of time on weekdays checking tens of mainly Western geopolitical analysts on X and Rumble, among others.

This joy of learning comes especially from a series of eureka moments after realizing various narratives I have been brainwashed to believe through Western mainstream media outlets as propaganda tools of the "Evil Empire" or the "Empire of Lies". Of course, I'm very glad that I woke up geopolitically (as well as spiritually), but this transformation has also brought me new challenges in interpersonal relationships.

Unfortunately, I don't have many friends to share this joy with simply because most people I know still seem to have blind faith in these narratives according to their answers to two geopolitical questions I've found for checking how brainwashed they are. Of course, I don't blame them. I myself had blind faith in these narratives until I started learning geopolitics extensively.

PS: Share of Languages Used for Each Type of Joy of Learning

  • For intellectual joy of learning: English - 100%
  • For emotional joy of learning: Russian - 100%
  • For spiritual joy of learning: Hebrew - 40% / English - 30% / Russian - 20% / Yiddish - 10%