
Blessing of Time

Since I left academia, I haven't been blessed (so far) with money though my financial situation has slightly improved since I left Israel. But I've definitely been blessed with time. Not only do I have far more free time now, but also can I spend it to my heart's desire studying for my intellectual, emotional and spiritual joy and giving someone the most precious gift one can give to someone else - presence.

This is in sharp contrast to my situation when I was still in academia. Back then I was enslaved in the rat race, spending my most of my time preparing academic papers-shmapers to publish in order not to perish, which left me litte free time.

This blessing of time has left me with far less stress and far more serenity than before. And its discovery is instigating me to start becoming aware of the other, hitherto hidden, blessings I haven't been aware of. This in turn may help me start fullly living the now.