
"Hero's Journey"

I left Jerusalem the day before yesterday and arrived at the destination of this personal mission of mine somewhere in the Diaspora yesterday.

I see some paralell between this "micro-mission" and the "macro-mission", which is the "descent" of our soul with a physical body in this world and composed of a series of "micro-missions". And I can see more clearly now one of the main purposes of this "macro-mission" through this parallel.

What I call here "micro-mission" is called "here's journey" by an American comarative mythologist named Joseph Campbell and often used by life coaches as a framework for their respective life coaching, including Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck and Claim Your Power by Mastin Kipp.

How this "micro-mission" that chose me (and not the other way round) perfectly matches the first stage of this "hero's journey". The life of the "hero" who used to live in his comfort zone reaches a crucial turning point. His external circumstances suddenly change significantly, and he is left with no other choice but to leave his comfort zone and go on a journey. This is exactly what has happened to me!

Please imagine the beginning of The Lord of the Kings, for example. Instead of reaching the goal of his journey easily he encounters (and conquers) a series of challenges.

I can already foresee that this "hero's journey" of mine won't be easy and I'll encounter a number of trials. But at the same time I can already foresee a huge potential for my growth by conquering them one after another with the help of some inner resource I myself wasn't aware of and/or some mentor I may encounter along the way.

PS: Wikipedia article in English on hero's journey

PPS: Excellent YouTube video clip by Leo Gura on hero's journey entitled The Highest Hero's Journey