
Red Line Not to Be Crossed

There is a red line to everything not to be crossed. If someone crosses it, I have to walk away from him. This applies not only to individuals but also to social collectives.

Recently I've learned that what constitutes the ultimate red line for me. It the worst imaginable manifestation orinating from the worst illusion of the collective ego. If someone manifests this by himself, I definitely have to walk away from him. This manifestation contradicts my most fundamental belief so much that when I witnessed someone supporting it, thus being complicit in it, I had to make a very difficult decision to walk away from him.

Ideally, I would also walk away from the social collective itself that is deeply stuck in its illusory collective ego and is constantly nurtured by it. The individual I had to walk away from belongs to this collective. The saddest part is that he is not exceptional in supporting not only this manifestation per se but even its escalation and this collective ego is not the only one that manifests itself in the same, most horrendous, manner.

I still have to think thoroughly if I can walk away at all from this social collective, and if yes, how. This realization is the result of the third series of my awakening and is causing a tectonic shift to my life. I'm even starting to say kaddish symbolically to myself as something that used to be very precious to me has died.

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